How to learn from Aura

Who is the aura in EVE Online?
Aura is your spaceship’s onboard computer in EVE Online. She also helps the new pilot learn the basics of ship handling through detailed step-by-step tutorial missions.

11 years of quality development have turned Eve into a world-class game with a unique setting. Try EVE Online and rate this digital masterpiece yourself.

Where can I find tutorial missions in EVE Online?
Learning from Aura in EVE Online is the most essential step for a beginner. This tutorial is easy enough to complete. Follow Aura’s instructions literally as you practice the basics of ship handling.

When you create your character, you will immediately begin the training mission of Aura, which will teach you the basics of game actions. This mission is part of the basic training for newcomers to EVE Online and you will have the choice of continuing or discontinuing the training.